
Yes, I'm selling my Chanel bag. Yes, I just bought it 2 months ago in Florence. Yes, I still love it. Yes, it was an impulse buy (as with most of my purchases). Yes, it was an expensive impulse buy.

I've been eyeing the Chanel boy for years. When I set my eyes on this one in Italy, it was love at first sight. I loved the colour, the design, the soft Nubuck leather (at the time) and how much I was able to fit in the bag. However, I quickly came to realize that Nubuck leather is sensitive to pretty much everything. I find myself frequently ensuring the suede is all going in the same direction, and am afraid to wear the bag out in constant fear that I'll get something on it. The cost of the bag also has me wary of wearing it out, so in the end it's not worth the price I paid for it.

However, just because it wasn't a right fit for me currently, doesn't mean it won't be for you! Baby Chanel is looking for a new home, so if you're interested holla at me via @carousell (my username is simplyteee)!

Photos: Chris Leung (@iofmine)

Club Monaco Tommie Merino Sweater // Topshop Striped Shirt (Similar here, here and here) // Abercrombie High Rise Girlfriend Jeans (Similar and on sale at AE here) // Chanel Chevron Nubuck Boy Large Bag // Vince Easton Nubuck Bootie (thanks Marshalls Canada!)

All about the angles:

#RAIN - Collaboration with Miss Pap

Figured it was appropriate to wear my first pair of over-the-knee suede boots when it was downright pouring out. (can you tell?)

Miss Pap Emily Grey Suede Over the Knee Boots // Topshop Dress shirt (Old) // Abercrombie Shorts (Old) 


Not really, but the hair (inspired by Erin Elizabeth) made me feel like a bohemian princess. Definitely didn't turn out as well as hers did, but you can watch the fun tutorial here! Mother nature also decided to tease us with spring-like weather this past weekend. However, it was fairly windy out (as you can tell by my crazy baby hairs), so we were a little bit deceived. 

PS. My fly is indeed NOT open contrary to what it may look like :)

Aritzia Wilfred Blouse (Similar-ish) // Abercrombie & Fitch Straight Boyfriend Jeans (On Sale) // Zara Lace-up Ballerinas (Similar) // Chloe Medium Drew


During this shoot I was craving chicken biryani, so I made it my mission to get some good biryani the next day. Now I'm craving some shanghai noodles and fried rice, so by the time you read this I will probably already be at Asian Legend.

Tip: Never write a blog post hungry. Also you don't want to know me when I'm hangry. :)

Club Monaco Moto Jacket (Similar) // A&F High-Rise Girlfriend Jeans // Urban Outfitters BDG T-Shirt // Salvatore Ferragamo Boots // Quay Invader Sunglasses


October is when my beanies come out to play and don't crawl back into the closet until mid-April. They're cute, keep my tiny ears warm, and I don't have to worry about what my hair looks like. I bought this plush coat last year on sale and have been waiting for the perfect weather to wear it. It's as soft on the inside as it is on the outside, and you'll see me constantly petting it as if it were my own alpaca.

This outfit entails all your fall essentials: 1) Beanie, 2) Oversized coat, 3) Boyfriend Cut-offs, and 4) Black booties. I'll be doing a review on the Chloe 'Drew' in a separate blog post, but as a teaser, I friggin' love it.